Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Unnecessary Loads...

this is before we go to Singapore, the bear and the puppy try to pack their bags and fill it with what we think necessary...

after some guides from the internet about backpacking, it became clear about what to carry, what is not to, which one is important, and which you can leave behind.

obviously the puppy just didn't understand about how much it should be...

the puppy pack just a little bit too much of... water...

half of the bag is...

water bottle...

... ^_^ at least i'm not worried of getting thirsty when i go out with her hihihi


  1. Aww.. kebiasaan naik gunung bawa air banyak2? :D :))

  2. iya, tapi air dua liter itu membantu banget kok :)
    esp knowing di Karimun Jawa kita tinggal di atas laut yaaaaa... belum lagi bertualang dengan kapal seharian.
